No World Horror Convention Scheduled Currently
To answer questions that have been coming in via social media: No, there was no World Horror Convention in 2017, and it doesn’t appear that there will be one in 2018. If and when another one is scheduled, this website will immediately be updated accordingly.

World Horror 2016 Progress Report 3
The 2016 World Horror Convention is going to be truly awesome! We have 16 guests who each bring something special to this years’ convention.
A preliminary schedule is up on the website. It currently includes presentations and major events, but panels and other programming will be added shortly.
This list is subject to change as it fills out, but it should be mostly set by the first weekend in April.
What to do while you’re at World Horror:
A short walk from the hotel is the Crandall Historic Printing Museum. It has a working Gutenberg Press and a Franklyn Press, among others. There is a small fee to get in.
A half hour from the convention by car is a serial killer escape room. You have one hour to escape before you are killed by a serial killer. Cost is $30 a person for groups of six.
There are over 50 places to eat and get a drink in the downtown area. Most are within a short walking distance. We’re working on arranging for a food truck to be on the north side of the hotel for those wanting a quick, cheap meal.
The Maddison has a restaurant, bar, and club with the largest variety of beer in the state of Utah! It’s two blocks from the hotel. You have to pass another bar to get to it.
Thursday night, World Horror is throwing a “Welcome to Utah” party with “Polygamy Porter” beer and other varieties of local beer and wine. Get a true “taste of Utah” to celebrate the third and final time World Horror is coming to Utah.
Tickets for the Killer Tea and “Greenlighting Your Novel” writing workshop are available. Purchase them from the register page on our website.
Do you want to take pitches? Or do you want to pitch? Contact us.
The Call for Panelists has gone out. (It’s on the website under Programming, then PANEL IDEAS).
We’re also setting up reading slots.
What else is in the works for World Horror?
- A live recording of the Writing Excuses Podcast
- Gothic Belly dancers
- Native American dancers
- A Gallery Stroll with businesses showing horror art
- TimpTellers storytellers (scary stories)
We’re still accepting ads for the program book and souvenir anthology (until March 31). And we’re accepting books, comics, graphic novels, etc. for the goodie bag. Contact us if you’re interested.
Don’t miss out! Get your membership today. Prices go up April 1st.

Amy White to Present “Cracking the Story Code” at WHC 2016
Amy White will present “Script & Text Analysis: Cracking the Story Code” in 3 parts at the World Horror Convention 2016.
Meticulously developed and thoroughly researched, learn how to apply the Farmer method of script and text analysis to increase a story’s success. Learn the basics with first level character structural character role functions, to second level genre-specific emotional signatures and on to third level substantive findings that directly apply to any story-based work’s success.
The Farmer Method of script and text analysis is an empirically proven, semiotic-based system that helps writers, agents, content editors, publishers and producers achieve their goals in creating developmentally appropriate, appealing and powerfully successful works of quality.
Membership rates go up on January 1! For more information, go to

Call for Artists: World Horror Convention 2016
The 2016 World Horror Convention is looking for artists!
We have an art show, artists’ alley and artist reception, as well as slots for panels and demonstrations during the convention.
Submitting art for the art show:
All artists must be juried. If you’ve been in a WHC or WFC art show, you’re good. Contact us and we’ll let you know how to buy a panel or a slot in the print shop.
If you haven’t been juried, you will need to have (or create) a website with a representative sample of your work or an online gallery.
Send your information and the URL for your art to Jill Bauman.
Art Show fees: $20 for a 4’ x 4’ panel or a 6’ x 3’ table plus a 10% commission on all sales.
Print shop fees: $5 plus a 15% commission on all sales.
Artists’ Alley:
We’ll have tables in the art show for artists to sit and work on a project while others can watch or ask questions. It will be an “artists at work” area.
Art Programming:
There will be panels and presentations on art during the convention. What we have will be determined by who wishes to participate.
Contact Info:
If you’ll be in attendance at WHC2016 and would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact us at:
Artists who attend WHC are encouraged to attend the artists’ reception, tentatively scheduled for Saturday evening.
World Horror 2016 will be April 28 to May 1, 2016 in Provo, Utah.
Find out more at

Spring is a great time to visit Utah. And a great time for horror! Combine the…
Spring is a great time to visit Utah. And a great time for horror! Combine the two at the 2016 World Horror Convention! Prices go up on 1 July.
David Farland’s WHC2016 workshop will be “Greenlighting Your Novel.”
Join International Bestseller and World Renowned Writing Instructor, David Farland, for a mind-blowing workshop that will help you get your story on bookstore shelves--and into movie theaters. Dave has worked as a "greenlighter" for movie production companies and publishers, advising them on which assets promised the best returns--notably, he recommended Harry Potter to Scholastic as a lead title in the US, contributing to the book's meteoric sales. Learn how to "Greenlight" your own novel--the process producers use to determine if a story is ideal for public consumption. You'll discover how to identify what sells and if your story has what it takes. Learn to write for the broadest appeal, to include the emotional draws every big story needs, how to edit and so much more. You'll be amazed at how much information is packed into this class--and how the lessons learned can take your career to the next level.
Utah's hottest club is less than two blocks from World Horror 2016 in Provo, UT….
Utah's hottest club is less than two blocks from World Horror 2016 in Provo, UT. The Madison is a 4 level club with two stages and a bistro restaurant. The Madison's main floor has hip hop DJ's with a huge dance floor, bar and stage Friday's and Saturday nights with the third floor "cowboys" country bar with live music and a mechanical bull. The Madison boasts the largest variety of beer in the state. You have to check out their wall!
The Madison nightclub Provo,Utah

WHC2016 is pleased to announce that Darren Shan, bestselling author of children'…
WHC2016 is pleased to announce that Darren Shan, bestselling author of children's and young adult horror, will join our list of guests at World Horror 2016!
WHC2016 is pleased to announce that David Farland has agreed to do a writing wor…
WHC2016 is pleased to announce that David Farland has agreed to do a writing workshop at WHC! Mr. Farland is a New York Times Bestselling and award-winning author. He is editor of the Writers of the Future anthology and a former writing instructor. He does a number of workshops both online and live. Follow his Daily Kick in the Pants newsletter at!

Now, folks, there have been some rumors floating around that Utah is a dry state…
Now, folks, there have been some rumors floating around that Utah is a dry state. Nothing could be further from the truth, as anyone who attended the Salt Lake WHCs in 2008 and 2012 will tell you. We have local breweries that have won international awards for their beers. Our venue in Provo is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from a fine establishment with the largest collection of beers in the state. And as for you wine drinkers, you'll feel right at home, too! And no silly club memberships to worry about!Come join us at WHC 2016 in Provo! You'll love it!