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Magical Tips for Writers by Sèphera Girón
Every emerging writer wonders if there is some sort of secret way to become a best-selling author if he or she only knew it. There just has to be a magic formula or a way to break into the mystical cabal of professional writer.

The truth of the matter is simple. Working as a professional writer means a lot of hard work, rejection and spending time alone. You have to believe in your dream more than anyone else, or it's not going to happen.

It is very rare that friends and family will rally you on your path towards publication. If anything, they'll nod their heads sadly at your career choice and whisper about eccentrics and poverty behind your back.

Crystals You have to read and write constantly and maybe you'll get to the top of the slush pile. Even though there are a mind-boggling number of books published each year, there are still far more people with manuscripts in hand clambering at the doors to get a shot at a coveted slot.

There are thousands of talented writers that never make it through the cracks, for a wide variety of reasons. In my experience as an author, I would say that almost everyone who wants to be a writer has the ability to become a published writer with some fine-tuning.

That's not the point. It's how do you get the odds in your favour to get a kick at the can? Many times it's pure luck to get that lucky break. And you have to be ready to deliver the goods when that time comes.

Carp In the meantime, what can you do to gain control of the situation?

You've done all the right things. You read and have studied your craft. You scour the Internet for market reports and advice; you get to know the players either through message boards or attending conventions. You've done it all, and yet you still have to sit back and wait for the gods of editorial to decide your fate.

While you are waiting, you can do a few things to activate positive energy around you. The more you feel in control of your life, the higher your confidence level will grow. Publishers and editors like to work with confident people, not to mention that potential fans love to bask in your glowing enthusiasm.

For thousands of years, people have been using feng shui to create a positive atmosphere in body, mind and spirit by manipulating the environment around them. There are many disciplines that share the belief that good luck and positive energy can be achieved just by the simple placement of objects.

Whether you believe in such ideas or not doesn't really matter, although it helps if you do believe. Try a few tricks, and see if things don't start going your way.

No-one is saying that you're going to become a best-seller. If it were that easy, there would be many more best-selling authors out there. However, you may find that you are able to lift a few roadblocks as you carve out a career path.

On Writing The first order of business you need to do as a serious author is create your own workspace. It's best if you can score a room all your own, but let's be serious. All a writer needs is a desk and a computer, right?

I don't agree, and I've been lucky enough to have my own room for an office for about fifteen years. Before that, I had a corner in a living room or bedroom. Remember Stephen King's humble beginnings? If you don't, then get yourself to the library and take out his magnificent book every writer should read, ON WRITING.

The main thing is, you have your spot and now you have to make it yours.

Keep your workspace as neat as possible. It's an on-going battle for me, as I often work on several projects at once and have notes lying around—not to mention bills, and mail, and things I mean to read, forms from the kid's schools, dripping coffee cups and so on. I'm sure you're the same. Clear off that desk and get boxes for your stuff.

If you're going through a period of massive activity and are creating mountains, pitch everything into a box. Be ruthless when it comes time to sort it all out and don't procrastinate about it either. File your papers, put bills in a special box, save your receipts for the tax man in another box, haul your dirty dishes to the dishwasher and throw out everything that even remotely resembles junk, crap or clutter.

If you can, have your chair against a wall and place your desk so that you have the ability to see people as they enter the room. It is bad feng shui to have corners of shelves pointing at your back (poison arrows) or to have mirrors or windows behind you.

Once your desk area is cleared away, look at the room around you. Try to clean up the clutter and keep corners of your room clear. Every room is divided into nine sections.

Every room is divided into nine sections

If you aren't very good at figuring out your Norths and Souths, and don't have a compass handy, you can use the entrance to your room as North. Stand in the doorway and pretend it is North as you face into the room. The far wall will be South.

To activate auspicious energy in your writing career, you need to pay special attention to the areas you want to activate. If you want to add even more power to your energy, apply the grid idea to your desk area as well.

Toad/Frog Your money corner controls your finances. It is vital to keep this area free of clutter. You can decorate this area in many ways. Those little bamboo plants that are all the rage these days are a great way to start. Pick up a small one for your desk or a bigger one to put on a stand or shelf in your money corner. Plants with smooth round leaves work well too. A bouquet of fresh flowers not only looks beautiful but it brings growth to your workspace. Never use plastic flowers. If you want artificial plants, use ones with fabric leaves. This is a good place for an aquarium with gold-coloured fish. If there is a toilet or sink in this area, keep the drain covered so that your money energy doesn't get sucked away.

Stones are also a good idea to have in your money corner. You may like the golden syrup colour of citrine, the vibrant green of jade or the mystical swirls of malachite.

Coins Three Chinese coins tied with red thread are good to keep in this corner as well. You can tape them to the underside of your desk or place them in your ledger in the Southeast corner.

Your career corner can be activated by putting awards you've already won there, or books that you've written. Display your achievements proudly. Don't forget to put some pretty crystals there as well as some garnet, bloodstone, carnelian and tiger eye. You can write your career aspirations on a piece of paper and put it under a little pyramid in this corner.

Your creativity corner is also the children corner. If you have kids, put their pictures here. Your desk might work well in this corner too, if it's practical. Musical instruments or easels are also a good choice to put in your creativity area. Clusters of amethyst and citrine will help boost your creative spirit.

Those valuable books you cherish should go into your wisdom and knowledge area. Hang a bulletin board with quotes and articles you enjoy. Many people like to read in this corner, so be certain to have a good reading light and a comfy chair.

Statues Another place to display awards and trophies is in your fame corner. Since fame is ruled by fire, a vibrant painting or photograph with red flames might be an interesting touch. If fame is important to you, activate this area by keeping it free of clutter and putting stones such as citrine, bloodstone, turquoise and quartz in an interesting display. Statues of importance can also be put here.

Most writers have a mentor they work with or look up to, and the mentor area is where you should keep your correspondence and collections. You can put up a bulletin board with pictures and letters from your mentors here.

Now that you have taken some steps to clean up and activate areas that are important to you, take some time to add a few more touches.

Quartz crystal can be used anywhere in the room. Not only is it pretty, it gives off healing vibrations as well as absorbing negative energy. You can hang cut crystals in the windows to create sparkling patterns and keep the energy in the room flowing.

If you have visitors to your office area, you may wish to keep a big ball of obsidian on a table or on your desk to absorb negative energy from people who may come in and cast a dark shadow on your day.

Vase Take a visit to an oriental supply store or New Age shop and pick up a few little statues. A three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth can be placed in a low spot in the room where he can catch the influx of money that will be flowing in. Some people like to have statues of Buddhas or gargoyles or Egyptian icons. So long as it means something to you, go ahead and get it.

You can make yourself a lucky money jar by finding a vase with a large bottom, narrow middle and a larger mouth. Be sure it has a lid. There are special feng shui vases made for this, but you can go to the dollar store and find a dry goods jar that works just as well. Write down your goals on a little piece of paper and put it inside. Fill your jar with green and yellow beads or stones. Put in awards, medallions, Chinese coins tied on a red thread, jewellery, seeds, corn, and anything else that indicates prosperity, growth and creativity to you. Hide your money jar away so that it can remain undisturbed.

Satchels Another way to attract positive energy is to make or buy a little leather satchel you can wear around your neck. Put corn, a charm like a wolf, stones such as citrine, malachite, quartz and rose crystal, some herbs such as lavender, a word written on a piece of parchment such as SUCCESS, and anything else you desire. Wear the pouch under your clothes or keep it in your pocket or purse.

On your desk, keep pictures of loved ones and a couple of interesting statues. Some people like elephants because they are hardworking. I have a little whale that represents creativity to me because, long ago, I had a weird dream about a whale that lived in my basement. Don't ask.

A new addition I have on my desk is a salt lamp that I was given for Christmas. I've only had it a couple of days, but it is supposed to help bring calming energy and clean the air, as well as help with asthma and promote creativity. It's kind of neat-looking and if you can find one, you should try it.

In the end, you can feng shui your house until the cows come home, but if you don't apply butt to chair and fingers to keyboard, you aren't going to get too far. The biggest magical advice for aspiring writers is to write. Write every day. Set yourself goals. Rewrite. Meet self-imposed deadlines.

Remember, if you take your craft seriously, so will everyone else around you. Focusing is magic in itself. With focused intent, you can create your own reality. And still, you have to wait for the gods of editorial to get back to you . . .

Copyright © Sèphera Girón 2006.
Originally Published on Hellnotes. Reprinted by permission of the author. All rights reserved.
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